Building Destruction



The apartment that has collapsed here on June 30th, in Chennai, shows us how poor is the regulation system regarding the real estate. It snatched the life of many and left many with severe injuries. Proper rules are to be amended for safer and secure construction of buildings. Buyers must be given proper awareness in this area. 

Word Today:


 "blood-red," late 14c. (late 12c. as a surname), from Old French sanguin (fem. sanguine),from Latin sanguineus "of blood," also "bloody, bloodthirsty," from sanguis (genitive sanguinis) "blood"). Meaning "cheerful, hopeful, confident" first attested c.1500, because these qualities were thought in medieval physiology to spring from an excess of blood as one of the four humors. Also in Middle English as a noun, "type of red cloth"( early 14c.)


late 14c., "work intended to ridicule vice or folly," from Middle French satire (14c.) and directly from Latin satira "satire, poetic medley," earlier satura, in lanx satura "mixed dish, dish filled with various kinds of fruit," literally "full dish,".


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