Fitness matters!


It was 5:37 in the morning. I could hear noises outside my windows. I dragged myself near the windows just to see what that was. I saw people hurrying themselves. They were taking turns and turns around the roads. It is called walking! 10kms of walk oouf! Sweating, thirsty, tired totally, how do they do that? Don’t they feel cold? Don’t they feel sleepy? I just can’t imagine they left their sleep just to make their body fit! I appreciate people who walk, jog and run in early morning just to keep their body fit.

You see, anything that is on this earth has to have a balance so does a man. Just making your body fit will never make you complete. Both the body and the mind have to be fit. People mostly tend to forget to make their mind fit. What does it really mean –“mind fitness”? Mind fitness is really judged by how much you can handle things in your head, how you manage tackling your emotions be it good or the worst. Then the way you think about things. All matters when it comes to your mental fitness.

How can you really make your mind fit? -will be the next question. Yeah, I do have an answer. Everybody in this world have their own perspective of seeing things, so does the fitness level. Everybody have their own fitness level and cannot be compared with each others’ because they vary. Figure out your own ways to make your mind active. Many people play games, many sit and ponder about things and try recollecting things. These are the two I really know to help keep your mind active.


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