No internet, No Life


What if suddenly you woke and find you have lost the internet connection? Just can’t imagine such a day. I would consider that day as a dooms day.

Many of us begin our day in front of our PC or Laptops and end our day before the same. To me all my days begin with me before my PC. Quite many of us get up quickly, on our PC and  modem and then leave to brush the teeth. How many say “I”? Quite many, right? Yeah. It really feels painful and heart aching than a break up if I was left with no PC and wifi.

Imagine this situation once again. What will you do all through the day if you are put in such situation? Listening to the music on my ear phones would be my savior in such situations, firstly. Second on the list will be books. Third -I’ll go straight to my bed, bury my head into pillows and sleep and sleep until I get tire of sleeping. If nothing works out, we all would step out of our houses to see the sky and admire nature! If that too doesn’t work out well, then we will sit with our families together and engage ourselves, talking to them!strange!


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