The Revolution of Startups



“Start up” is the new buzzword of this era. First let us figure out what it exactly  means in the business world. As the word says, you “Start” and then scale “Up”.

Usually in business world this word is connected to nothing but a young company that is waiting to get developed.  You stop being a startup once you have found your market resonance and a scalable business model and become an early stage business. 

For the transformation from being a “Startup “to get evolved into a “Company” you have to have a backup which is here the money.Initially these startup companies’ expenses overreach their revenues as they work on testing, developing and modifying. The traditional practice that these startup companies followed was to approach banks for the loans.

But now, there is new outbreak. Many large industries all around the globe are happy to come forward and help the startups. Government and other institutions are ready to help them too. Remember there are this two - Startup Incubators and Startup Accelerators. As the name, so is their functionality. Startup Incubators help the Startups to incubate the ideas, to make prototypes and further make a product out of it. Startup Accelerators help the Startups to accelerate and help them scale up. They invest masses of money in bring them up. The tyros are offered money, after they pitch in the proposals of their projects. Once the companies find them to be worthy of the money, they invest on them to help them implement it.

Right now, many big companies are bringing out new schemes through which they offer money to the startups. 

1.       Google has its program called “Google Launch pads” through which it offers a chance for the startups
2.       Intel with program named “Challenge up” which helps the startups
3.       Microsoft with a program named “BizSpark” offers a huge volume of money to the startups
4.       Yahoo through “Yahoo Ad Tech program”

There are other companies and institutions  in India that aids in transformation:

1.       Tata through “Tata INCUBATE.”
2.       Times Internet Limited through ”TLABS”
3.       5ideas
4. The Hatch    

     Business incubators and accelerators are in most of the cosmopolitan cities like Delhi, Bangalore, Ahmadabad, Chennai, Mumbai, Chandigarh, Hyderabad, and also in places like Kerala.

Top institutions have incubating centers for startups like

1.       Villgro in IIT-Madras,
2.       Technology Business Incubators in IIT- Delhi,
3.       NSRCEL ( Nadathur S Raghavan Centre for Entrepreneurial Learning) IIM- Bangalore,
4.       IIT-Bangalore Innovation Centre,
5.       Society for Innovation and Entrepreneurship in IIT- Bombay
6.       Centre for Innovation, Incubation and Entrepreneurship in IIM-Ahmadabad,
7.       SIDBI Innovation and Incubation Centre in IIT-Kanpur,
8.       Technology Incubation and Entrepreneurship Society in IIT- Kharagpur

 Aspiring minds will never meet with failure, I would say. There are tones of opportunities scattered but hidden. Finding out them and exploiting them is what we had to do. Humongous support is available for creative thinkers and risk takers. Try taking risks to find new path of success. Let us hit the road. We’ve got a long way to go.


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