Getting trendy – Python


Way back in 1900s we had languages like Java and C++ which shook the computer world. Right now it is the age of python. This language is now pushing back all the other languages and coming up on the top ten lists of programming languages. Python is now most widely taught in IIT’s. This very language has a varied use. It doesn’t confine itself to just object rather crawled and took its position also in web designing. Cool isn’t?

Each and every time some or the other new languages take up its position in the timeline of the history and people start hurrying up in learning them. Well, python is not so new but still this language is getting popularized among universities slowly and will be taught in all colleges and universities in upcoming years. But still the languages like Java and C will stand high as they serve as the very basic.

You have got many eBooks and tutorials available that makes your learning process quite easy. Get hold onto some channels on YouTube to learn python.Good Luck.


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