#IndiaMLmeet Microsoft Machine Learning and Data Science Conference - Day 2

- Muthiah Abbhirami

Dr. Graham Williams, Director of Data Science, Microsoft Cloud & Enterprise Division @ IndiaMLmeet - Day2

Day 2 of the conference kicked off with the keynote speaker named Graham Williams, Director of Data Science Cloud and Enterprise division from Microsoft. He told us the importance that a wholesome data would bring. ” The more data you get, more clear is the information”.
The way he explained and flow did make the topic interesting! He was perspicuous in his way of talking which made me like it.

Dr. Graham, explaining the importance of data @ IndiaMLmeet - Day 2

“Data is the new currency, water, electricity! “. This sentence of his will make us understand the significance of collection of data.

Wee Hyong Tok, @ IndiaMLmeet -Day 2

Next I attended the session on
“Building your Intelligent Application in SQL Server “by Wee Hyong Tok, Senior Data Scientist Manager, MICROSOFT. He explained to us the technique which we could use to build an “Intelligent application”. This session was quiet filled “coding”.

Krishnan Ramanathan @ IndiaMLmeet - day 2 , explaining the Deep Learning tools

Third, I attended the session of Krishnan Ramanathan, Principal ML Scientist, MICROSOFT. His talk was on the Deep Learning Toolkit which again was algorithmic.

Vani Manda @ IndiaMLmeet - Day 2

Vani Mandava, Senior Program Manager, MICROSOFT RESEARCH was conducting the next session on Opportunities for Data Science for Research with Azure”

Then was lunch break at Botania, where we tried all the food. The food was appetizing! And I guess all my friends would have felt the same. The aroma near the food was just carrying us closer to the vessels.  The brownie was damn! I totally got addicted to it!

Anil Bansali @ Day 2 IndiaMLmeet

The closing session was by
Anil Bhansali, Managing Director, MICROSOFT India (R&D) Pvt. Ltd.

Then was the super cool session by the hackers where they were all pitching their ideas. That session was complete fun! The creative ideas and the solutions were quite convincing!

By 7 pm I got to my hotel room and was hurrying up to get my bus. The journey from Bangalore to my home was 9 hours. I was so tired. I was by 5, I guess. After a four sleep , I’m blogging .

This was indeed an awesome experience, which will ever be etched in my head and heart!  ;)


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