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#The wannabe you
The wannabe you will demand more than what you are right now. This is something you already know. Here comes something that you are not heard-of so often. While I'm sitting down writing this, I am trying to picture what my life will be looking after 5 years. This pushes me into thinking about many unnecessary and timid situation I had to face.
First of all, this is something common among you and me as we are always prone to think about minuses rather then concentrating on our pluses. As far as my knowledge is concerned this because of the reason down below.
All animals have a fear about their living, food, shelter. We are animals too, we have fears too but what differs is that we have fears which are more civilised and our fears hinge totally on our living. This is why our fears dominates and flushes too many negative stuffs more than all the positives that we possess.
That is why we are always asked to think and do all good things. This will force ourselves to find out all the positive in us,which will naturally suppress our fears and negative thoughts.
Always remember fears are the root cause for generating all negative thoughts. Try to always suppress them.
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