INDIVIDUAL FARMING - #Individualfarming

Heights of human hypocrisy has never failed to amaze me. Abundant matters flush in and I see nothing practically making sense. I don't really understand the aim of providing a solution that is called "promising". Promising or is that a word for promotion? I really don't understand. We have been talking about problems and solutions for a really long time without actually understanding the gravity of anything. We are not bothered about 6 pm today but rather think about the Mars and its geographical adaptation to contain human beings. The so called"vision" sometimes doesn't bring any excitement. Vision matters when something is done, today. And I remind myself this.

I see many brows rising to understand what I am really talking about. Let me put this straight away, I do not appreciate things that are too much connected to technology. Technology can certainly create a humongous positive impact and I do really understand this. But the human touch be it in anything can never be at par with something done with nuts and bolts.  The so called technological advancement has brought us this far and now I feel it is trying to get into our blood which I think is not so appreciable. Robots getting citizenship!,Crops growing inside building! - are you kidding me!

I love changes but not these kinds, definitely. I appreciate technology but to a certain extend only. Crops growing inside a building with the help of LED s!, LED s replacing sunlight! calling this  a start up and being funded. I seriously don't get this. I told you already I appreciate and encourage solutions that are really into transformation but definitely not this way. There are problems with growing population and space. We need a solution. A real solution. A real solution must not digress from nature. Talking about saving forest inside a skyscraper never is going to make a difference and me blogging about this certainly does not.

What are you really trying to say? - I know this will be my next question. 


Individual farming, it is the key. The time we utilize for mobiles are way longer than our time we spend with our parents. It is a fact. Cut that time. Buy, plants. I am not talking about roses here. I am talking about plants that gives you food. What you are going to grow will be your food. If this is the case, everyone will take a responsibility to grow his/her plant to satisfy his/her need(self-satisfactory). I am talking about common indigenous vegetables that you can grow. I'm talking no balcony gardening or balcony farming. I am talking about you growing your crop wherever you want. Grow plants to satisfy your need. It not only gives you food but the slow process of the growing can teach you many hings. I am not lying. I am growing few plants. You get more life skills from simply growing a plant. I really mean it.

This solution might sound a little skeptical, so not impact-full or whatever first off to people but I can surely say that on times run it can really create a better results.

#Individualfarming Please comment to let me know your thoughts. 


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