We are all too ordinary, aren't we?

Everyone was hurrying. It was a railway station. I was standing in the middle of the moving crowd watching the waves of passing faces. I was smiling at people this time because I didn't have anything else to do on that day. At the corner, I was able to catch a feeble distant tune. I saw a static crowd few feet away from where I was standing. So, I strolled towards that place. I saw a man in his early 30's, with messed up hair, good shoes and his clothes were unadorned, ordinary but clean.  He was standing right in front of me happy, playing his strings. The calmness and the outspoken joy in the way he played the strings, I can still remember.  His tunes lit up peoples' face. On seeing his fingers play through the strings I can see the experience and passion he has put in all through the years.
I stood there watching like a small kid seeing a big balloon. I was able to feel life in it. It gave me goosebumps. For sure, I can say he was intoxicated with his own tune and I was too. His soul was out there enjoying every second of time. It gave me a sense of joy too, with not just the tune but also on seeing him play his instrument so damn passionately.

I know out there in the crowd there would have been people who saw him poor on the other hand, he would have smirked at the gathered crowd labelling them to be too poor in his head, to not able to pursue something they loved.

He was chasing something too. He was one of us. He would have had things that were way too boring, or frustrating, or even painful, he would have also had a day of giving up but the passion was enduring. That's all I was able to see.

To me, I guess we are all too scared to break the routine. Perhaps we are too skeptical of travelling alongside with our passion, perhaps we are too skeptical on ourselves, perhaps we are too bothered with our own commitment, perhaps our lives are already drinking too much of us that we are already worn out. I don't know but I guess its okay to step out of that very routine we are all sunk in and breathe our passion for at-least one day.

I guess it is time to get real.


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