#The Deception


Many times I have sat thinking is it just me or everybody. I laugh because everybody falls into the same trap. The "Wow factor" is that even when you know it is a complete piece of worthless matter you still fall for it. Is it not, beautiful!? :D

Let me give you an example, I bought a cold drink, which usually comes in tight packed black and green labelled light green bottle. I hope you have imagined the taste of it. Fix it in your head. This cost a Rs 40 or Rs 60, If I am not wrong. 

Here is the story.

Couple of months back, some of my friends and I stepped into a cold drink shop and up came a guy with a menu of just drinks. The pictures of the drinks were so fantasising that one of my friends ordered a blue colored drink. It was like  more than a 20 min talk and laughter we got our drinks. My friend who ordered that blue colored drink was all the more excited seeing the drink coming. She was completely devoured by the beauty of the blue color and waiting so so eagerly for the drink. And I can say that looking at her face that each second of delay tantalised her so much. And at last we all got our drinks. Not more than a glimpse second her lips touched the straw and took the sip, She slowly drove her head back from the glass and gave that very look. Once again I can say it from her look that she was irritated, angry, what the heck, why me - all these expressions filled her entire face and falling out from her eyes. Then she spilt her feelings - She said it was the like the same damn drink but only blue in color with a little flavour of mint. We had a hearty laugh and worst part is that I had to pay for that stupid drink which was Rs.160! You want me to pay Rs100 for that "blue" color!! Are you kidding me!

I warned her, "the next time we step into any shop and you see a "colored" drink, for God's sake do not buy it. If you want anything of that sort, go get a soda bring any color, I ll do it in my kitchen, you got it!?" Our day came to end this way.

I hope you understand what I am trying to say. Lots of deceiving factors surrounds us and we sometimes fall for it. It is sometimes funny but the factor we had to understand is that not every time we should fall. It is always good to stay calm, wait a second and then going for something ;)


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