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The Pyramids of Egypt
The architectural knowledge that our ancestors possessed
stuns me. I just can’t imagine the way the buildings, ports and palaces were
constructed. My favorite of them all is the pyramids of Egypt.
Even though the buildings and the construction works
done during the period of Renaissance is considered to be the best of all time,
I always stick to the works of the Egyptians. The giant rocks and the tombs of
the mummies always make me gape because of their magnificence in them.
The unsolved mysteries about the death of the kings
and queens, the invaluable treasure, scorpions, the cursed boxes and artifacts
all gives you goose bumps when you imagine them.
It has been believed by most of us that the pyramid were
constructed by the slaves but it was not so. The labors were paid for
constructing the pyramids.
How did they carry such heavy rocks to build the pyramids? So
here comes the answer for it. To make their discovery, the
researchers picked up on clues from the ancient Egyptians themselves. A wall
painting discovered in the ancient tomb of Djehutihotep, which dates back to about 1900 B.C.,
depicts 172 men hauling an immense statue using ropes attached to a sledge. In
the drawing, a person can be seen standing on the front of the sledge, pouring
water over the sand, said study lead author Daniel Bonn, a physics professor at
the University of Amsterdam It has been proved by the research
works made by the University of Amsterdam that these people used sledges to
lift heavy rocks. But you may wonder how can sand aid in pulling? Here is what
they did; they poured water in order to get the stiffness. Not too much of
water or not to less, but the right amount to hold the sledge with the heavy
things on top of it.
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