The world of imagination


I see shapes and figure from looking at the clouds and try to comprehend how they are formed. People with real creative skills make out great shapes and figures and try to make a story out of it! Imagination is the one that has endless frontiers and cannot be fenced. It crosses the infinites. Our world of imagination shrinks as we start to grow. Thinking about lame things that we think are totally significant in our lives pulls in the circumference of our imagination circle.

Imagination is what life is all about, I think. I imagine things before I do anything. I think it is the same for others too. Nobody can equate his skill of imagination with that of a kid. It is stunning to hear from a kid what he sees in a circle. We can find the different perspective a kid has got without teaching him anything about “perspective”, “out-of-box-thinking” and stuffs like that.
Keep you circle of imagination wider and enjoy imagining! 


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